British woman banned from laughing so as not to sleep

on Friday, July 15, 2011

Newspaper ABC Spanish, it is in the rare case to prevent a British woman of laughter so as not to sleep soundly them inspect the state of balance in any place, Claire Scott, a British, 24 years She is married and has a daughter 5 years and wrote to her doctors and prescriptions to keep the expressions of her face so as not to laugh as if she did so, it weakens the muscles of her face and then just sleep.

This is kind of a rare disorder known as Katablixia "cataplexy", cause muscle weakness if there is feverishness and in the silence of this emotion is "laughter", which makes her sleep.

The newspaper pointed out that Claire said that when he tells her daughter a joke you know full well that her husband would bring, then from the ground, where once her pregnancy in the street after he slept well, noting that it is suffering from this disorder since her childhood.

The newspaper pointed out that these disorders affect 5% to 10 thousand people, and that the 2000 only in the whole world who has such a case and similar cases.

According to the World Health Organization, there are 700 rare disease that affects 7% of the population and in Spain there are 3 million people suffering from rare diseases.


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