Chinese complain that his wife, it gives him an allowance of half a dollar a day

on Sunday, July 3, 2011

Resorted Chinese factory manager to working women's organization, asked her to help get rid of the stinginess of his wife, because they only give him half a dollar a day, who earns his salary and take it every month.

According to the newspaper "Wuhan Gevenng News", Chen, aged 41 years, knock on the door the women's organization, and offered her a crisis caused by the stinginess of his wife refuses to give him more than 10 yuan (1.5 dollars) every three days.

The newspaper pointed out that the Chinese and his wife, they are poor, but his relentless raising of their levels of living, became manager in a factory, and arrested 4 thousand yuan a month, the equivalent of 617 dollars; but the wife controls their income, and take all the money and give it only $ 1.5 every 3 days, making it the need of constantly.

The man said that his wife was not content with that, but cut off water to the provision of water, as it steers the insults him, arguing that excessive use of shampoo in the shower, and begged her husband to the organization to work to provide a solution to his problem terrible family.


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